Results for 'Eerik Lagerspetz and Sari Roman-Lagerspetz'

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  1.  3
    Recognition in J. W. Snellman’s Philosophy of Law.Eerik Lagerspetz and Sari Roman-Lagerspetz - 2020 - Hegel-Jahrbuch 2020 (1):41-48.
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    Rotuoppien metafysiikkaa.Sari Roman-Lagerspetz & Eerik Lagerspetz - 2017 - Ajatus 74 (1):141-172.
    ”Rotu” mielletään usein pelkästään biologiseksi käsitteeksi. Niinpä rasismista syytetyt toisinaan puolustautuvat julkisuudessa sanomalla, että he eivät ole biologisten rotuoppien kannattajia, vaan esimerkiksi vain kannattavat kulttuurien oikeutta olla erilaisia. Historiallisissa yhteyksissä menneiden aikojen ajattelijoita saatetaan puolustaa sillä, että he eivät olleet ainakaan biologisia rasisteja. Erottelun taustalla on olettamus, että biologiaa koskevat ja kulttuuria koskevat käsitykset voidaan ongelmattomasti erottaa toisistaan. Tämän esityksen yhtenä pyrkimyksenä on pohtia biologia vs. kulttuuri -erottelun merkitystä rotua koskevissa käsityksissä, ja problematisoida sitä. Tarkastelun aineistona käytetään 1800-luvun lopun ja (...)
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    On Language Rights.Lagerspetz Eerik - 1998 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 1 (2):181-199.
    In social and political philosophy, linguistic differences are usually seen as one item in the long and indefinite list of Cultural Differences; consequently, language rights are discussed and criticized together with other cultural rights. In this essay, it is argued that a right to use one's own language can be justified by appeal to the practical role of language in human life. The ability to communicate effectively is essential for human autonomy and well-being; thus there is no need to argue (...)
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    The Opposite Mirrors: An Essay on the Conventionalist Theory of Institutions.Eerik Lagerspetz - 1995 - Springer Verlag.
    How do social institutions exist? How do they direct our conduct? The Opposite Mirrors defends the thesis that the existence of institutions is a conventional matter. Ultimately they exist because we believe in their existence, and because they play a role in our practical reasoning. Human action necessarily has an unpredictable aspect; human institutions perform an important task by reducing uncertainty in our interactions. The author applies this thesis to the most important institutions: the law and the monetary system. In (...)
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  5. A Conventionalist Theory of Institutions.Eerik Lagerspetz - 1993 - Law and Philosophy 12 (2):233-247.
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    A Conventionalist Theory of Institutions.Eerik Lagerspetz - 1989
  7.  68
    Money as a social contract.Eerik Lagerspetz - 1984 - Theory and Decision 17 (1):1-9.
  8. The problem of legislative intent.Eerik Lagerspetz - 2002 - In Georg Meggle, Social Facts and Collective Intentionality. Philosophische Forschung / Philosophical research. Dr. Haensel-Hohenhausen. pp. 1--167.
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    Ad hominem arguments in practical argumentation.Eerik Lagerspetz - 1995 - Argumentation 9 (2):363-370.
    This paper is ultimately about the nature of argumentation in general and about the nature of practical argumentation in particular. (Practical argumentation is the form of argumentation which aims at answering the question: ‘What is to be done?’) The approach adopted here is an indirect one. I analyze one traditional form of argumentive fallacyargumentum ad hominem and try to show that in some argumentative situations it is an intuitively legitimate move. These intuitions can be explained if we accept that practical (...)
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  10.  22
    Hart's The Concept of Law as a Study in Social Philosophy.Eerik Lagerspetz - 2011 - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho 1 (5):243-264.
    El concepto de derecho de H. L. A. Hart es un clásico moderno de la teoría jurídica. Pero también es relevante para la filosofía moral y social. En este artículo se argumenta que las críticas de Hart hacia Austin y Bentham, así como sus teorías sobre la naturaleza del derecho, la moral y la coerción, retoman una tradición de pensamiento iniciada por David Hume. Además, la filosofía social de Hart tiene implicaciones normativas interesantes. Este artículo se concentrará en un solo (...)
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  11. Analytical philosophy of institutions.Eerik Lagerspetz - 2003 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 80 (1):465-488.
    Finland is internationally known as one of the leading centers of twentieth century analytic philosophy. This volume offers for the first time an overall survey of the Finnish analytic school. The rise of this trend is illustrated by original articles of Edward Westermarck, Eino Kaila, Georg Henrik von Wright, and Jaakko Hintikka. Contributions of Finnish philosophers are then systematically discussed in the fields of logic, philosophy of language, philosophy of science, history of philosophy, ethics and social philosophy. Metaphilosophical reflections on (...)
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  12. On the nature of social and institutional reality.Eerik Lagerspetz (ed.) - 2003 - Jyvaskyla: SoPhi.
    What is the nature of the social reality? How do the major social institutions like money and law exist? What are the limits of individualistically-oriented social theories? These and related problems are intensely discussed in philosophy, in legal theory and in the methodology of social sciences. This collection brings together the different traditions of the contemporary discussions. It includes new and thought-provoking articles by John Searle, Margaret Gilbert, Ota Weinberg, Raimo Tuomela, Eerik Lagerspetz, Michael Quante, Maria Cristina Redondo (...)
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    Ronald Dworkin on Communities and Obligations: A Critical Comment.Eerik Lagerspetz - 1999 - Ratio Juris 12 (1):108-115.
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    Individualism in Social Science: Forms and Limits of a Methodology.Eerik Lagerspetz & Rajeev Bhargava - 1994 - Philosophical Quarterly 44 (174):124.
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    Democracy and the All-Affected Principle.Eerik Lagerspetz - 2015 - Res Cogitans 10 (1).
    The All-Affected Principle has an important status in recent theoretical discussions on democracy. According to the principle, all who are affected by a decision should have a right to participate into making it. The principle is supposed to ground the right or optimal boundaries of democratic decision-making units. This paper is basically a critique of the principle. In the first parts of the paper, the All-Affected Principle is distinguished from some related principles. However, even a more precise version of the (...)
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  16.  55
    Kelsen on Democracy and Majority Decision.Eerik Lagerspetz - 2017 - Latest Issue of Archiv Fuer Rechts Und Sozialphilosphie 103 (2):155-179.
    This paper explicates some aspects of Hans Kelsen’s defence of democracy. Kelsen’s aim was to formulate a realistic normative alternative to the democratic ideal derived from Rousseau. He provided two, independent arguments for majoritarian democracy. First, the validity of majority principle could be derived from epistemological relativism. Second, majority principle maximized individual liberty. The latter argument is based on Kelsen’s own definition of liberty as a correspondence between an individual will and the ruling norms. This argument could be interpreted as (...)
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    Social Choice and Democratic Values - kirjan esittely.Eerik Lagerspetz - 2017 - Ajatus 74 (1):231-240.
    Kirjasymposio: Social Choice and Democratic Values – kirjan esittely.
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    Between Theory and Practice: Essays on Criticism and Crises of Democracy.Eerik Lagerspetz & Oili Pulkkinen (eds.) - 2023 - Springer.
    I first point out that we tend to use democracy as a vague general concept that includes various types of constitutional arrangements. I suggest that it would be beneficial to differentiate between these more carefully. I discuss some points made earlier, especially by Michael Oakeshott and Bernard Crick. Due to their long careers, their work reflects long-term change in conceptions of democracy. The huge corporate power and superpower mentality are discussed together with the question of the possibility for real representative, (...)
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    Social Choice and Democratic Values.Eerik Lagerspetz - 2015 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book offers a comprehensive overview and critique of the most important political and philosophical interpretations of the basic results of social choice, assessing their plausibility and seeking to identify the links between the theory of social choice and the more traditional issues of political theory and philosophy. In this regard, the author eschews a strong methodological commitment or technical formalism; the approach is instead based on the presentation of political facts and illustrated via numerous real-life examples. This allows the (...)
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  20. Democracy and Paradox.Eerik Lagerspetz - 1993 - Rechtstheorie. Beiheft 15:181-190.
  21. Norms and sanctions.Eerik Lagerspetz - 1993 - In Risto Hilpinen, Olli Koistinen & Juha Räikkä, Good reason: essays dedicated to Risto Hilpinen. Turku: Turun yliopisto. pp. 200--49.
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    Utilitarianism and Pareto principle: A comment.Eerik Lagerspetz - 1984 - Theory and Decision 16 (1):107-109.
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    Hegel and Hobbes on Institutions and Collective Actions.Eerik Lagerspetz - 2004 - Ratio Juris 17 (2):227-240.
    Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel is usually, and rightly, considered the foremost representative of the organistic conception of society. It is only natural to think that his view has nothing in common with the kind of individualistic outlook that dominates our legal and political thinking, and that I myself have tried to defend. I try to show why certain insights of Hegel are potentially important even for individualistic legal and political theories. First, I explicate some of the problems he struggled with, (...)
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    John Searle’s Social Ontology: Comment to John R. Searle “Social Ontology and the Philosophy of Society” {Analyse & Kritik 20, 143-158}. [REVIEW]Eerik Lagerspetz - 1999 - Analyse & Kritik 21 (2):231-236.
    The theory presented in John Searle’s The Construction of Social Reality has a lot in common with the conventionalist view of institutions. Conventionalism, however, can explain how there can be institutional facts without pre-existing rules, and why people comply with institutional rules.
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    Coercive Pressures and Anti-corruption Reporting: The Case of ASEAN Countries.Tiyas Kurnia Sari, Fitra Roman Cahaya & Corina Joseph - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (3):495-511.
    This paper aims to investigate the extent of anti-corruption reporting by ASEAN companies and examine whether coercive factors influence the level of disclosure. The authors adopt indicators from the Global Reporting Initiative version 4.0 to measure the extent of anti-corruption disclosures in 117 companies’ reports. Informed by a coercive isomorphism tenet drawn from the institutional theory, the authors propose that several institutional factors influence the extent of their voluntary disclosures. The findings reveal that a large degree of variability difference between (...)
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    Kommentteja Aki Lehtiselle ja Kaisa Herneelle.Eerik Lagerspetz - 2017 - Ajatus 74 (1):295-312.
    Ajatuksen toimitus on ystävällisesti suonut minulle tilaisuuden vastata Aki Lehtisen ja Kaisa Herneen kirjoituksiin. Vaikka Lehtinen on radikaalimpi sosiaalisen valinnan teorian kriitikko kuin minä, hän on joiltakin osin sitoutunut teorian perusolettamuksiin minua tiukemmin. Käsittelen vastauksessani kolmea näistä. Lisäksi tuon esiin, miksi riippumattomuussääntöä koskevat jatkuvat erimielisyydet eivät nähdäkseni ole vakavin heikkous sosiaalisen valinnan teoriassa; kiistanalaisin peruskäsite on pikemminkin sosiaalisen preferenssi- eli paremmuusjärjestyksen käsite. Kommentoin myös lyhyesti Lehtisen tulkintaa utiliteettien maksimoimisesta. Kaisa Herne tarkastelee omassa esityksessään äänestyssääntöjen valintaa. John Lockea seuraten, päätöksentekijöiden velvollisuus (...)
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    Tieteenfilosofian perusteita.Eerik Lagerspetz - 1981 - Turku: [Turun kauppakorkeakoulu].
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  28. The problem of the common good in democratic theory.Eerik Lagerspetz - 2007 - In José Rubio Carrecedo, Political philosophy: new proposals for new questions: proceedings of the 22nd IVR World Congress, Granada 2005, volume II = Filosofía política: nuevas propuestas para nuevas cuestiones. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag.
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    Psychoanalytic Facts as Unintended Institutional Facts.Filip Buekens & Maarten Boudry - 2012 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 42 (2):239-269.
    We present an inference to the best explanation of the immense cultural success of Freudian psychoanalysis as a hermeneutic method. We argue that an account of psychoanalytic facts as products of unintended declarative speech acts explains this phenomenon. Our argument connects diverse, seemingly independent characteristics of psychoanalysis that have been independently confirmed, and applies key features of John Searle’s and Eerik Lagerspetz’s theory of institutional facts to the psychoanalytic edifice. We conclude with a brief defence of the institutional (...)
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    Olli Lagerspetz: Trust. The Tacit Demand.Olli Lagerspetz - 1999 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 2 (4):433-435.
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    Wittgenstein's Forms of Life: A Tool of Perspicuous Representation.Olli Lagerspetz - 2020 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 9.
    The focus is on two texts by Wittgenstein where ‘forms of life’ constitute the pivot of an extended argument: ‘Cause and Effect’ and the discussion of colour concepts in ‘Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology’. The author argues that forms of life are above all Wittgenstein's response to the question what it is to analyse a concept. The remark that forms of life are ‘given’ and must be ‘accepted’ is a natural corollary of Wittgenstein’s antireductionism and his idea of philosophy (...)
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    Beyond the Inner-Outer Model: Subjectivity after Wittgenstein by Chantal Bax.Olli Lagerspetz - 2015 - Nordic Wittgenstein Review 4 (1):237-240.
    Review of Chantal Bax. Subjectivity after Wittgenstein. The Post-Cartesian Subject and the ‘Death of Man’. London: Bloomsbury 2011, 2012.
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    Studying perception.Olli Lagerspetz - 2008 - Philosophy 83 (2):193-211.
    Empirical studies of perception must use the logic of everyday non-technical conceptions of perception as their unquestioned background. This is because the phenomena to be studied are defined and individuated on the basis of such basic understanding. Thus the methods of neurobiology exclude reductionist accounts from the outset, implicitly if not explicitly. It is further argued that the concepts of neural and mental representation, while not confused per se, presuppose a general picture where perception as a whole is viewed in (...)
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  34. Understanding the Supportive Care Needs of Family Caregivers in Cancer Stress Management: The Significance of Healthcare Information.Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari, Minh-Phuong Thi Duong, Adrino Mazenda, Agustina Chriswinda Bura Mare, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Cancer care has transitioned from clinical-based to home-based care to support longterm care in a more familiar and comfortable environment. This care transition has put family caregivers (FCGs) in a strategic position as care providers. Cancer care at home involves psychological and emotional treatment at some point, making FCGs deal with the stress of cancer patients frequently. Due to their limited care competencies, they need supportive care from healthcare professionals in cancer stress management. This study aims to examine how types (...)
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  35. Examining the demanded healthcare information among family caregivers for catalyzing adaptation in female cancer: Insights from home-based cancer care.Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari, Adrino Mazenda, Made Mahaguna Putra, Abigael Grace Prasetiani, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Adaptation and stress are two main concepts useful for better understanding the phases of illness and health-related human behavior. The two faces of adaptation, adaptation as a process and adaptation as a product, have raised the question of how long the adaptation process will take in cancer trajectories. The care setting transition from clinical-based into home-based cancer care has stressed the role of family caregivers (FCG) in cancer management. This study examines how types of demanded healthcare information affect the FCG’s (...)
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    The politics of materiality: Affective encounters in a transdisciplinary debate.Sari Irni - 2013 - European Journal of Women's Studies 20 (4):347-360.
    This article analyses the discussion about the ‘new materialism’ or ‘material feminisms’ as an interplay between transdisciplinarity – moving beyond canons and disciplines – and affective interdisciplinary encounters. The previous discussion is taken in a slightly different direction, by arguing that a politics of materiality is at work in the debate, which is implied in affective interdisciplinary encounters. It is argued that despite the transdisciplinarity, the relations of natural science engagements to both social science and humanities feminisms are pivotal. Two (...)
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  37. Nutrition issues in end-of-life care.Sari Edelstein, Sharon Weston & Vanessa Ludlow - 2010 - In Sandra L. Friedman & David T. Helm, End-of-life care for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Washington, DC: American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
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    Indonesia's Vaccine Diplomacy to the Indo-Pacific: Opportunities & Challenges.Deasy Silvya Sari, Akim, Mas Halimah & Ali Zahid - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:336-348.
    The COVID-19 vaccine is one way to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Indonesia has produced Indovac, a COVID-19 vaccine made by Biofarma which has the opportunity to be distributed to countries in the Indo-Pacific Region. This article aims to explain the opportunities and challenges of Indonesia's vaccine diplomacy during the COVID-19 pandemic to the Indo-Pacific region through Biofarma. By using a vaccine diplomacy approach and qualitative methods with System Dynamic analysis, this article concludes that (i) The opportunity for Indonesia's vaccine (...)
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  39. Assessing the needs of healthcare information for assisting family caregivers in cancer fear management: A mindsponge-based approach.Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari, Minh-Phuong Thi Duong, Made Mahaguna Putra, Pande Made Arbi Yudamuckti, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Fear of cancer is mostly related to cancer recurrence, metastasis, additional cancer, and diagnostic tests. Its legacy as a lethal disease has raised fear of approaching death. Currently, cancer’s total suffering and the worsening phenomena have raised fear, especially among female patients. Family caregivers (FCGs) who are responsible for the day-to-day cancer care at home need to help the patients deal with this fear frequently. Due to the limited care competencies, they need supportive care from healthcare professionals in cancer fear (...)
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    Maintenance of Patients' Integrity in Long-Term Institutional Care.Sari Teeri, Maritta Välimäki, Jouko Katajisto & Helena Leino-Kilpi - 2008 - Nursing Ethics 15 (4):523-535.
    This study aimed to describe and compare the views of nurses and older patients' relatives on factors restricting the maintenance of patient integrity in long-term care. The purposive sample comprised 222 nurses and 213 relatives of older patients in four Finnish long-term care institutions. The data were collected using a self-developed questionnaire addressing five sets of factors relating to patients, relatives, nurses, the organization and society. The maintenance of patient integrity was restricted by: (1) social factors, including lack of respect (...)
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    On the Materialization of Hormone Treatment Risks: A Trans/feminist Approach.Sari Irni - 2017 - Body and Society 23 (2):106-131.
    With a focus on hormone treatments, this article contributes to recent problematizations of the ontology of bodies, illnesses and medication. Hormone treatment is conventionally understood to comprise preparations like pills, patches or injections, and following from this understanding, the materiality of risk is perceived as potential adverse effects of pharmaceuticals within individual bodies. By discussing Finnish trans persons’ experiences of hormone treatments, and drawing from material feminisms and trans/feminist studies, this article rethinks what ‘hormone treatments’ and their risks materially entail. (...)
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  42. The Effectiveness of Knowledge Management Systems in Improving Teaching Motivation among Vietnamese Higher Education Staffs.Dan Li, Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari, Thien-Vu Tran, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    This study investigates the dynamic relationship between knowledge management systems, particularly emphasizing knowledge acquisition and dissemination, and their impact on academic staff's teaching motivation. By employing the Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF), data from 676 academic staff at higher education institutions in Vietnam was analyzed, revealing a complex interplay of factors. Notably, positive associations were found between knowledge acquisition, knowledge dissemination, and teaching motivation. However, the interaction effect of knowledge acquisition and knowledge dissemination appeared to be negatively associated with teaching motivation. (...)
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  43. POLICY ANALYSIS IN SCHOOL MEALS PROGRAM: REGULATION IMPACTS ON IN-SCHOOL FOOD FORTIFICATION.Sari Ni Putu Wulan Purnama, Adrino Mazenda, Chenaimoyo Lufutuko Faith Katiyatiya, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Background: Food fortification refers to the process of adding nutrients to foods during their production. It is a cost-effective strategy with well-documented health, economic, and social benefits. Food fortification practices in school meal programs need guidance and legal support from various national policies. Aim: This study aims to analyze how various national policies—such as those related to school feeding, nutrition, health, food safety, agriculture, and the private sector—associate with the implementation of in-school food fortification among countries with school meals programs. (...)
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    My soul must live with the colour.Sari Kuuva - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (1):37-54.
    The article focuses on the transformative potential of colours described by Rudolf Steiner. Steiner’s colour definitions are approached through the aesthetics of religion, investigating religion as a sensory and mediated practice. The goal is to clarify the identifiable features of the anthroposophical use of colour and how the Steinerian conception of colour relates to the anthroposophical worldview. Steiner’s conception of colours was strongly influenced not only by theosophy but also by J. W. von Goethe’s theory of colour and his ideas (...)
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    E-Government Attempts in Small Island Developing States: The Rate of Corruption with Virtualization.Arif Sari - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (6):1673-1688.
    In recent years, many Small Island Developing State governments have worked to increase openness and transparency of their transactions as a means to enhance efficiency and reduce corruption in their economies. In order to achieve a cost-effective and efficient strategy to implement a transparent government, Information Communication Technologies offer an opportunity of virtualization by deploying e-government services to promote transparency, accountability and consistency in the public sector and to minimize corruption. This paper explores the potential impact of government virtualization by (...)
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    Talous ja moraali.Sari Kivistö, Sami Pihlström & Mikko Tolonen (eds.) - 2016 - Helsinki: Gaudeamus.
    In the last decade, the cases of breast and cervical cancer have been positioned at the top rank of cancer statistics worldwide. Consequently, many husbands become family caregivers (FCGs) and get the burden of cancer caregiving. Being blind and incompetent, they need supportive care from healthcare professionals (HCPs). To support them, HCPs provide various healthcare information to meet their needs. Further, their demand for a specific type of healthcare information may reflect their need for emotional support from the HCPs to (...)
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  48. Potable Water Reuse Willingness among water users in the United States’s arid region: The roles of concerns about local issues.Dan Li, Ben Ma, Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari, Minh-Hoang Nguyen & Quan-Hoang Vuong - manuscript
    Given the close relatedness of local issues, water scarcity, and sustainability, this research sought to investigate the factors affecting residents’ willingness to reuse direct and indirect potable water in the arid region. Utilizing the Bayesian Mindsponge Framework (BMF), an analysis was undertaken with a sample of 1,831 water consumers in the City of Albuquerque, the most populous city in New Mexico, United States. The primary analysis revealed positive associations between local concerns about drought or water scarcity and population growth with (...)
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  49. What makes readers love a fiction book: A statistical analysis on Wild Wise Weird using real-world data from Amazon readers' reviews.Minh-Hoang Nguyen, Ni Putu Wulan Purnama Sari, Minh-Phuong Thi Duong, Manh-Tung Ho, Thi Mai Anh Tran, Dan Li, Phuong-Tri Nguyen, Hong-Hoa Thi Nguyen & Viet-Phuong La - manuscript
    For centuries, fiction—particularly fables—has seamlessly combined storytelling, moral lessons, and societal reflections to engage readers on both emotional and intellectual levels. Despite extensive research on the benefits of reading and the emotional responses it evokes, a critical gap remains in understanding what drives readers to form deep emotional connections with specific works. This study seeks to identify the characteristics of a book that foster such connections. Using Bayesian Mindsponge Framework analytics, we analyzed a dataset of 129 Amazon reviews of Wild (...)
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    Integrating Malay Local Wisdom in English Learning: Students’ Perception at State Junior High School 1 in Tanjung Pura Regency of North Sumatera Province.Indah Sari, Hanifah Mutia Z. N. Amrul, Julia Nuraisyah & Adinda Dwi Fanny - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:553-561.
    Integrating local wisdom into the English learning process is essential to preserve cultural identity and promote a more meaningful and relevant learning experience for students. This study aimed to explore students' perceptions on the importance of integrating local wisdom of the Malay community in English language learning. A qualitative approach was applied, which involved a survey of 27. The results showed that most students believe that the integration of local wisdom of the Malay community in English language learning is important. (...)
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